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Articles by Jen Forbus

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Solve: Dave Robicheaux
One of the very first series I ever listened to on audiobook was James Lee Burke's Dave Robicheaux series. And this is an interesting series because for many of the first thirteen...
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Solve: Finding humor in crime
I love to laugh, probably because all the endorphins my body releases when I do makes me feel better no matter what my mood is. It's certainly good for me: reduces stress, burns...
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Solve: Sue Grafton Tribute

Sadly, the crime fiction world lost a great writer at the end of 2017. After a two-year battle with cancer, Sue Grafton passed away on December 28th. The CWA Cartier Dagger...

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Solve: Asian Crime Fiction
One of the most amazing things about books is the ability to travel to foreign and exotic locations without leaving the comfort of your own home. When the stories are truly...
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Solve: New Year's Resolutions for Crime Fighters
Welcome to 2018, friends! I'll still be writing 2017 for at least another month or so. This weekend, though, I was writing resolutions. The idea of resolutions always brings mixed...
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Solve: Christmas Mysteries
To all those observing today, I'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas! I hope your holiday is filled with joy and love, that you're surrounded by friends and family—or if you're...
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Solve: The Elvis Cole series
Many people have heard me credit Robert Crais with hooking me on crime fiction. The Elvis Cole series was, in fact, my first serious foray into the genre. I picked up THE WATCHMAN...
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Solve: The Best Mysteries of 2017 and a trip Behind the Mic
Our fine editors at AudioFile Magazine have hemmed and hawed and pulled some hair (mostly their own) to come to a consensus on the Best Audiobooks of 2017! If you haven't had a...
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Solve: Going Back in Time
I was always a little smitten with history. I'm not exactly sure what originally ignited my fascination with the past—watching "Little House on the Prairie" as a small girl,...
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Thankful for Great Narrators
Last Thursday was Thanksgiving in the U.S. And as we have been thinking about all that we're thankful for, I'm reminded of how thankful I am for great stories, creative story...
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Solve: Series: IQ
A couple weeks ago I wrote about contemporary crime and mystery writers who have been influenced by Sherlock Holmes. Another author to add to that list is relative newcomer Joe...
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Solve: Series: Walt Longmire
This past weekend was Veterans' Day, so it seems rather appropriate to recognize one of crime fiction's great veterans—Walt Longmire. If you're following my posts here at the...
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Solve: Under the Influence of Sherlock Holmes
This past weekend was lauded as Sherlock Holmes weekend. It's a regular celebration for the folks in Cape May, NJ, and Cambridge, OH. In the crime fiction world there is plenty of...
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Solve: Crime in Small Bites
When I tell people how much I enjoy listening to audiobooks, I often receive the response, "I can't listen to audiobooks. I can't pay attention." I thought the very same thing at...
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Solve: Mystery Awards Galore
Once a year, the mystery community gathers for Bouchercon, the world mystery convention. This year, writers and readers of the popular genre met up October 12-15 in Toronto to...
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Solve: Scandinavian and Nordic Crime
I have a bit of an obsession with the Scandinavian and Nordic countries. I've been reading about them and studying different aspects of their culture, and I'm fascinated. Part of...
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Solve: Celebrating Crime Fighters
October is National Crime Prevention Month. That's an appropriate recognition for mystery books and their heroes. We can find protagonists from every tier of the justice world, and...
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Solve: Mystery Series Week
Did you know that it's Mystery Series Week? I stumbled on this little gem while doing some research and learned that Purple Moon Press, a small independent publishing company,...
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Solve: Curmudgeons in Crime
As kids, no one ever wants a curmudgeonly neighbor who's regularly chastising them to "stay off my lawn." That messes up all the games of kick-the-can and hide-and-seek. And what...
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Solve: Crossing Genre Lines
I have been a fan of Marcus Sakey's work for many years now. His gripping suspense and Everyman characters always drew me in immediately and kept me glued to my audiobook with...
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Solve: Crime Families
Last week I wrote about Partners in Crime—people who co-write their books. Some of the partners on that list were related to each other: P.J. Parrish is a pair of sisters and...
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Solve: Partners in Crime
I've often heard authors talk about the solitude of writing, so people who write as a team fascinate me. I've had the pleasure of meeting several writing teams through my...
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Solve: Canadian Crime
This October, the world mystery convention, Bouchercon, is going to take place in Toronto. That got me thinking about Canadian crime fiction and Canadian writers of crime fiction....
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Solve: Always listen in order! (Or don't.)
I have a confession to make. I sometimes listen to series out of order on audiobook. As a matter of fact, I recently finished Louise Penny's GLASS HOUSES—but I haven't listened to...
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Solve: Crimes With Color
It's back-to-school time, and August is National Crayon Collection Month. I didn't know about this until I started researching blog topics—don't ask, my mind works in scary ways...
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Solve: Friends in Crime Fiction
Yesterday (August 6th ) was National Friendship Day, and Wednesday (August 9th) is National Book Lover's Day. I can't think of a better way to celebrate than to recognize great...
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Solve: Reading vs. Listening vs. Watching
Recently I took a trip to Central Virginia to visit a friend who moved there. She waited for me to arrive before heading out to her new library so she could sign up for a card and...
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Solve: Steve Hamilton's Nick Mason series
Ray Porter is an amazing performer, and his strong voice is never more convincing than in the narration of a crime audiobook. Covering some of the grittiest crime novels from the...
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Solve: Ripped From the Headlines
“If it bleeds it leads” is a well-known newspaper aphorism that may explain the strong correlation between crime novels and current events. Many a crime plot has had its...
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Solve: When I listen to audiobooks
It's been about 15 years since I started listening to audiobooks regularly for my own enjoyment. Prior to that, I would use them in my high school English classes on occasion so my...
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Solve: Patriotic Crime Fiction
It's the time of year when Americans celebrate their independence. The focus is on country, patriotism, and unity despite any other differences that may be plaguing the Union....
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Solve: Crime Fighters and Their Pets
People who know me well or who follow any of my social media feeds know I am an animal lover. And that often carries over into my love of mysteries. I'm a sucker for a crime...
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Solve: Standalone Mysteries
The mystery genre is full of outstanding series. Devotees wait patiently, pre-order the next audiobook, and rush to grab new installments on their release dates. But the genre...
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Solve: How I Learned to Love Audiobooks
I have to admit it. I used to be one of those people who claimed they couldn't listen to audiobooks. I thought I couldn't pay attention long enough to follow the plot. Had it not...
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Solve: And the Audies go to . . .
Thursday night the Audio Publishers Association celebrated audiobooks with their 22nd annual Audie Awards ceremony. With stiff competition in the mystery and thriller categories,...
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Solve: Summer Crime Listens
Happy Memorial Day! It's the unofficial beginning of summer. Kids are wrapping up the end of their school years, summer vacation plans are starting to take shape, and the world of...
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Solve: Harry Hole
Last week I blogged about listening to a debut so this week I'm turning to the tried and true. We all have those series we love, and we start anticipating the next installment...
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Solve: A Criminal Defense
There's something special about discovering an author with their debut. You can be torn between taking a chance on someone new—let's face it, committing hours of your time is a big...
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Solve: Moms of Mystery
Sunday is Mother's Day (don't forget your mom!), so I wanted to highlight some of my favorite moms in crime fiction. Let's face it, in detective fiction, the moms are usually...
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Solve: Why listen to mystery audiobooks?
I'm often confronted with the question of what draws me to the mystery/crime genre. The first time I heard the question, I was taken aback. I didn't have words to answer the query;...
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Solve: Crime for Kids
There seems to be a proliferation of adult mystery and suspense writers dipping their toes–or taking the full plunge–into writing for younger readers. John Grisham has kid lawyers,...
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Solve: The Environmental Mystery
Saturday is Earth Day, and since I'm a bit of an environmental enthusiast, I thought it fitting to celebrate with some of my favorite mysteries featuring crime solvers who are...
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Solve: V.I. Warshawski
When Sara Paretsky first introduced V.I. Warshawski to the world in her 1982 book, INDEMNITY ONLY, she was a rather ground-breaking character. And many of the female writers who...
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Solve: The mystery of the missing cozies
Recently I've had a couple of different reasons to try to find recommendations for softer crime audiobooks, and I've discovered it rather challenging. Are you a cozy or traditional...
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Solve: The Sean Duffy Series
Series are a big part of crime fiction, and devotees wait with baited breath for a new installment to come out each year or so, allowing them to visit with old friends as the...
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Solve: Conclave
The Catholic Church's election of a new pope epitomizes mystery for the vast majority of the world, and Robert Harris takes advantage of that fact in his new audiobook, CONCLAVE,...
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Solve: The 2017 Thriller/Suspense Audie Award Nominees
Special agents, spies, and GIs, oh my! The nominees for the 2017 Thriller/Suspense Audie Awards keep listeners on the edge of their seats. James Patterson's 23rd installment in the...
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Solve: The 2017 Mystery Audies Finalists!
2017 marks the 22nd year of the Audio Publishers Association's recognition of the best in audiobook productions — The Audies. This year's mystery category hosts some tough...
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Solve: Rather Be the Devil
When a narrator and an audiobook series fit perfectly together, the union can be a true work of art. It melds the author, performer and audience in a marriage of entertainment; not...
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Solve: Audiobook Round-up for Black History Month
February is Black History Month in the United States. A time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Americans. In recognition of the men and women who have played...
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Solve: Thrilling releases for February
No matter your preferred sub-genre in the mystery/thriller realm, February has a slew of exciting new releases for us crime fiction audiobook junkies. I've rounded up a...
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Solve: Her Nightly Embrace
Heroes star Sendhil Ramamurthy is making a large investment in Adi Tantimedh’s debut, HER NIGHTLY EMBRACE. Not only has he given voice to the character in this engaging and...
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