Guskin tells the story of Janie, a single mother whose young son, Noah, seems to remember an earlier life. She seeks the help of Dr. Jerome Anderson, a psychiatrist who hopes to prove his theory of past-life memories as well as the veracity of documented tales of children who recall earlier lives. Susan Bennett, portraying Janie, and David Pittu, portraying Dr. Anderson, create a thought-provoking listening experience. Bennett employs a whole range of emotions, from anger and confusion to peace and acceptance as Janie tries to find answers for her troubled child. Pittu gives a nuanced voice to the psychiatrist, who is racing to regain his reputation and defend his past-life theory before he succumbs to a devastating health problem. N.E.M. © AudioFile 2016, Portland, Maine [Published: APRIL 2016]
Trade Ed. Macmillan Audio 2016
CD ISBN 978-1-4272-6816-7 $39.99 Ten CDs
DD ISBN 9781427268174 $23.99
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