In this intriguing story, which crosses generations and continents from America to China, listeners follow the lives of four strong women as they rebel against conventions of their time, each in her own way. Nan McNamara and Angela Dawe share the narration, and their harmonious styles dovetail so well that it's not obvious when the narrator changes. At over 19 hours, this is a long listen. However, both narrators inject perfect pacing and good characterizations of the protagonists, so the time flies. With much of the story taking place in China, authentic-sounding pronunciation of the Chinese names helps to paint a picture of the nation, old and new. As the novel unfolds, the listener discovers how the lives of the women come together. K.J.P. © AudioFile 2017, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2017]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2017
CD ISBN 9781538419168 $55.99 Fifteen CDs
DD ISBN 9780062683601 $34.99
Library Ed. Blackstone Audio 2017
CD ISBN 9781538419175 $79.99 Fifteen CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9781538419182 $55.99 Two MP3-CDs
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