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TENEMENTAL Adventures of a Reluctant Landlady

by | Read by Rebecca Mitchell

Biography & Memoir • 7 hrs. • Unabridged • © 2018

Narrator Rebecca Mitchell's unbridled enthusiasm mirrors author Vikki Warner's plunge into property management. In her 20s, acting on the advice of a boyfriend, Warner moves home to Providence, Rhode Island, and buys a multi-apartment fixer-upper. Her relationship with the house outlives her relationship with her boyfriend (and others), and the house does only a marginally better job of living up to her dreams, as she initially has no money and no skills. The naïveté and earnestness that could have sunk Warner appear to be what pull her past her biggest obstacles. Those traits serve Mitchell less well, especially at the outset, where a wide-eyed tone prevails until she at last settles into the text. K.W. © AudioFile 2019, Portland, Maine [Published: JANUARY 2019]

Trade Ed. • Blackstone Audio • 2018

CD ISBN 9781538586655 $34.95 • Six CDs

MP3-CD ISBN 9781538586662 $29.95 • One MP3-CDs

DD ISBN 9781538586679 $19.95


Library Ed. • Blackstone Audio • 2018

CD ISBN 9781538586648 $55.00 • Six CDs

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