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by | Read by Patrick Macnee

Mystery & Suspense • 7 hrs. • Unabridged • © 2000

Jack Higgins brings back a familiar cast of characters in this latest Sean Dillon-Blake Johnson adventure. Patrick Macnee, who voiced THE PRESIDENT’S DAUGHTER and several other Higgins novels, also makes a welcome return. Macnee's voice conveys action with breathless excitement, easing back for light touches, such as the description of the calm rat that watches Johnson in an underground prison. Macnee's voice is backed up by extensive sound effects--the squeaking rat, rain and explosions, to name a few. The effects usually blend in well under the narration but occasionally get in the way, such as the sounds of gunfire that precede Macnee's narration of a battle late in the tape. J.A.S. © AudioFile 2000, Portland, Maine [Published: AUG/SEP 00]

Trade Ed. • Putnam Berkley Audio • 2000

CS ISBN $24.95 • Four cassettes

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Trade Ed. • Putnam Berkley Audio • 2000

CS ISBN $24.95 • Four cassettes

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