This hypnotically narrated debut tells a dark story that takes place in rural Washington state. Narrator Cassandra Campbell captures unflinching depictions of rural poverty and the oppressions of capitalism as they affect a group of young white friends. Amid the atmospheric Pacific Northwest setting, meth, depression, a myriad of violent acts, and grief saturate the narrative. It's not an easy listen, despite Campbell's smooth voice. At times, the story tries too hard, and the sentences have a staccato rhythm that doesn't always work. The voyeuristic white gaze that pops up quite a bit in relation to black and Latinx characters may or may not be intended. Nonetheless, a compelling debut and a deft narration make this audiobook a worthwhile listen. S.N. © AudioFile 2020, Portland, Maine [Published: APRIL 2020]
Trade Ed. HighBridge Audio 2020
CD ISBN 9781684578115 $29.99 Seven CDs
DD ISBN 9781684578108 $17.49
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