An ensemble of narrators performs the story of Oscar, Noah, and Riley, eighth graders who become fast friends when their paths cross in the small town of West Beacon, Pennsylvania. Narrator Ozzie Rodriquez establishes a deep, mature voice for Oscar, whose sister, Carmen, recently passed away. Narrator Michael Crouch creates a cheery voice for Noah, who tries to stay optimistic despite the difficulties of his parents' divorce and his mother's struggle to move on. Narrator Amanda Damron gives a peppy voice to Riley, who has recently moved from Philadelphia after witnessing her mom being robbed while working at a diner. Listeners will be captivated by these teens as they rely on each other, their families, and their faith to find ways forward. M.D. © AudioFile 2022, Portland, Maine [Published: MAY 2022]
Trade Ed. Listening Library 2022
DD ISBN 9780593503539 $20.00
Library Ed. Listening Library 2022
DD ISBN 9780593503546 $50.00
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