This engaging thriller, the first in a series, is narrated with panache by Robert Petkoff, who brings both humor and steely grit to his performance. P.I. Gabriel Praest, a former cop with an eye for fashion and a sense of irony, agrees to help his ex-girlfriend exonerate Yousef Ahmed, an Iraqi refugee who has been convicted of murder. Ahmed's victim, Sanne Melgaard, was an attorney general of Denmark with anti-immigrant politics --but there are telltale signs that Ahmed may have been framed. As Praest investigates the case, he uncovers the real motive: secrets that date back to WWII and that implicate a network of luminaries. Both skeletons and prejudices are unearthed in this debut mystery. Listeners will want to get acquainted with this quirky P.I. L.W.S. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine [Published: FEBRUARY 2023]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2023
DD ISBN 9780063235533 $27.99
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