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by | Read by Philip Franklin

Biography & Memoir • 10.5 hrs. • Unabridged • © 1997

Krakauer’s first-person account of the 1996 Mt. Everest disaster is full of guilt, grief, finger-pointing, heroism and indictments of commercial mountaineering. As a journalist, he was supposed to be objective; as a participant, he couldn’t be. Reader Franklin wisely avoids letting too much of Krakauer the climber come through, focusing instead on the powerful narrative. No added dramatics are needed for the listener to imagine the high-altitude cold, fear, bravado and sense of total isolation felt by all who were trapped beyond help, as well as by those who survived. Franklin’s emulations of the multinational voices of guides, clients and Sherpas bring one still closer to the action. Even with all the quotes, notes and factual information included, the unabridged audio production is every bit as engrossing as the book. J.B.G. ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: OCT/NOV 98]

Library Ed. • Books on Tape • 1998

CD ISBN 9780736651363 $64.00 • Eight CDs

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