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by | Read by Frederick Davidson

Classics • 16.5 hrs. • Unabridged • © 1895

Author Thomas Hardy espoused Shakespeare’s dictum (from King Lear): “As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.” He particularly exhibits this pessimism in Jude the Obscure, his tragedy about Jude Fawley, a stonemason torn by ambitions both intellectual and carnal, and Sue Whitehead, an early feminist whom Jude loves and who sometimes loves Jude. A compelling novel is made more so in this audio version by the outstanding work of Frederick Davidson. Always dependable, Davidson here excels in his use of measured dramatics; his consistent differentiation of a large cast of characters from varying social, educational and, therefore, dialectal groups; and his obvious personal involvement in the miseries of the two main characters. T.H. ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: OCT/NOV 98]

Library Ed. • Blackstone Audio • 1997

CS ISBN $62.95 • Eleven cassettes

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Library Ed. • Blackstone Audio • 1997

CS ISBN $62.95 • Eleven cassettes

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