Retail pak Random House Audio 1996
CS ISBN 0679457925 $18.00 Two cassettes
Walker's beautifully articulate, sexy mezzo adds class to this fatuous attempt to elevate thrillerdom by the acclaimed novelist-essayist Didion. The reader treats the author's buzz concepts, trendy vulgarisms and fashionable paranoias with vocal equanimity, if not indifference. At times she sounds bored, at times she fakes her way through, but at other times, particularly during passages of dialogue, she's exciting, making one wish that she had tried harder to give us more than a serviceable interpretation. Y.R. ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: JAN 97]
Retail pak Random House Audio 1996
CS ISBN 0679457925 $18.00 Two cassettes
Retail pak Random House Audio 1996
CS ISBN 0679457925 $18.00 Two cassettes
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