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by | Read by Rosemary Davis

Fiction • 12.5 hrs. • Unabridged • © 1951

What begins as a carefully wrought, but rather brittle, Gothic piece gradually broadens its scope to embrace the whole life of a rural British community circa 1950 and, in microcosm, the human condition. Rosemary Davis expands with it, always retaining the highly cultivated quality with which she began, but also doing justice to the roughest of characters and situations. She's a perfect match for the author's narrative tone. She differentiates character voices lightly, but makes them all speak with conviction. This is an audiobook that grows on the listener as the scope of the story and the resources of the reader gradually reveal themselves. J.N. ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: NOV/DEC 97]

Book pak • Dual Dolphin Publishing • 1997

CS ISBN 075310105X $84.95 • Ten cassettes

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Book pak • Dual Dolphin Publishing • 1997

CS ISBN 075310105X $84.95 • Ten cassettes

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