This sweeping historical masterpiece, loosely based on the turbulent and fascinating life of Eleanor Glanville, the distinguished seventeenth-century English entomologist, is beautifully and elegantly presented. In a soothing aristocratic British accent, Josephine Bailey brings to life this time of political upheaval—of Roundheads and Cavaliers, superstition and prejudice. As land speculators seek to cash in on the draining of the wetlands of Eleanor's estate, she dares to be different—and pays a high price for her choices of love and friendship and her fascination with nature. The detailed historical facts mixed with romantic fiction are a powerful combination. A fascinating book is made even better by Bailey’s gifted storytelling. A.C.P. © AudioFile 2010, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2010]
Trade Ed. Tantor Media 2010
CD ISBN 9781400117529 $49.99 Seventeen CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9781400167524 $34.99 Two MP3-CDs
DD ISBN multiple sources
Library Ed. Tantor Media 2010
CD ISBN 9781400147526 $119.99 Seventeen CDs
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