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by | Read by Patrick Treadway

Children • 4 hrs. • Unabridged • © 1992

The young inventor, Tom Swift, re-enters the lives of a whole new generation. The airship, the electric automobile, the moving picture camera--the tools of Tom's adventures--may seem tame for a Star Wars generation, but a 7-year-old can believably assume Tom's role and is riveted as each escapade unfolds. Patrick Treadway employs a collection of zany voices. Much of the text is narrated in a clear, straightforward way, which allows the young listener to follow the encounters of the colorful participants. Treadway delivers the slightly stilted speech and racial/cultural stereotypes with a gentle tongue-in-cheek tone that mitigates offense. R.F.W. ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: SEPT 92]

Book pak • Books in Motion •

CS ISBN 1556864051 $25.95 • Four cassettes cassettes

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Book pak • Books in Motion •

CS ISBN 1556864051 $25.95 • Four cassettes cassettes

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