The story begins with the discovery that the president of Goliath, North Carolina’s, failing furniture company has thrown himself in front of a train. The small town’s residents are shocked and grief-stricken, especially Rosamond Rogers, who was secretly in love with him. The grief spirals outward until the town is nearly destroyed. Narrator Clarinda Ross has a pleasant vocal quality and a charming Southern accent, but her disjointed pacing makes the story difficult to follow. The characters’ voices could be entertaining, but their dialogue is followed by awkward pauses that break the conversations. Nothing in the narration keeps listeners engaged with the story—which goes to prove that it takes more than a nice voice to bring a story to life. M.M.G © AudioFile 2012, Portland, Maine [Published: JUNE 2012]
Trade Ed. Blackstone Audio 2012
CD ISBN 9781455160617 $32.95 Thirteen CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9781455160624 $29.95 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 9781455160631 multiple sources
Library Ed. Blackstone Audio 2012
CD ISBN 9781455160600 $105.00 Thirteen CDs
DD ISBN multiple sources
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