Airbox pak Stemmer House 1992
CS ISBN 0880451068 $17.85 Two cassettes
These are delightful fairy tales for any age. Tammy Grimes gives a rapturous reading of each story and captures the listener with her spellbinding voice. She speaks with wondrous expression as if born to deliver these stories. John Houseman reads with less enthusiasm and with a measured, rising-and-falling vocal pattern. The tales are good enough to overcome his repetitious recitation. However, the recording suffers from a lack of technical supervision. One needs to be one's own sound engineer for many of the stories, but Miss Grimes makes it worth the extra work. J.P. ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: JULY 92]
Airbox pak Stemmer House 1992
CS ISBN 0880451068 $17.85 Two cassettes
Airbox pak Stemmer House 1992
CS ISBN 0880451068 $17.85 Two cassettes
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