Charming young actor Chris Colfer narrates his own darkly humorous story of a disgruntled high school senior who is determined to escape small-town life. Carson Phillips has recently discovered that the only way he’ll get into his dream college, Northwestern, is to create a literary magazine to send with his application. With great timing and a blasé delivery, Colfer will have listeners laughing out loud as Carson then sets out to blackmail his classmates into submitting original works. As he capitalizes on their dirty little secrets, he finds that perhaps his classmates are worth getting to know after all. Listeners will be entranced by his smart schemes all the way until Colfer delivers the story’s rather abrupt and dramatic exit. J.M. © AudioFile 2012, Portland, Maine [Published: NOVEMBER 2012]
Trade Ed. Hachette Audio 2012
CD ISBN 9781619698369 $22.98 Four CDs
DD ISBN 9781478977285 $19.98
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